I got this from Summit Academy in my box for my birthday! It's a gift card to the movies! It was such a good surprise and they're so thoughtful.
More Nail Experiments
This melt thing from red to black was probably the hardest thing I've tried so far, but it worked out great! It was cool to do! You put the paint on a cosmetic sponge, and when it goes on it does the gradient for you. Dallin said it looks like my nails are bleeding- which must mean he loves it! lol
I'm super into this song for some reason right now!
Workout Wednesday
So every wednesday in PE class we stop whatever skill we've been working on to do a workout. This last wednesday I found a story and had them do squats and lunges for certain words! They ended up doing over 100! And it was a success because they get sick of regular workouts.
Health Test was a Success
The majority of the class was in the A or B range on our last test in health class. I'm excited to move on to the next unit.
Regionals Cross Country Meet
It was so crazy, the regionals race was at the same place I competed at when I was in high school! I had 3 runners qualify to run in the state race this Tuesday, and I'm so excited for them because that is really hard to do! I'm also excited that the season is coming to a close. Well, excited and sad at the same time. I need to really start exercising on my own now that I won't have them to run at practice. It was definitely tiring some days though.
I found a pretty cool video....
The link below goes to a video I came across on the internet. I thought the 3 questions he asked to see if people are empowered was interesting. I'm trying to learn more about motivation to try and get my students more intrinsically motivated.
Ted Talks MotivationHappy Birthday to Everyone!
There are so many people with birthdays lately, so here's a public happy birthday to my mom, dad, Trenden, Kaylynn, me, and Dallin.
Dallin is 27 now!
The "30" thought crossed his mind...
He's had better birthdays :(
I tried to make his birthday a good one, but he had to work and then we were supposed to leave right away to go to Colorado for his birthday for a long weekend. So I got him a present and gave him breakfast in bed, but that was about all he ended up with unfortunately. (Read on to find out why.)
I also made him a video and put it on facebook. I'm not sure why, but it wouldn't allow me to upload it onto the blog. Here's a link to it in case you didn't see it.
The vaca story begins...
So, there I was. Getting ready for our long-awaited Colorado trip. It was Fall Break last week so we were going to go for a few days. I had seen people using selfie-sticks before and they looked easy, and I was planning on going out on the lake in Colorado and on beautiful hikes, so I wanted to get great pictures of it all. Dallin insisted that I should hold onto my pride and resist the urge to buy one, but I did anyway. I figure people probably already think I'm weird anyway and that's fine. But then I tried to work the darn thing, and apparently I'm an idiot. This was the only picture I ended up with while trying to figure that thing out. Dallin was clearly very concerned with helping me lol
It's not as grand as I thought it'd be because there is not a single angle that you don't end up with a huge pole in the picture. (Plus it's impossible to use.)
The plot thickens
We got in the car and started driving. I drove first and we passed a ton of deer on this winding canyon road with no street lights. We switched, and at about 1:30 in the morning we were passing through a rabbit mine field. We hit like 6, and their were peices of dead rabbit splattered all over the road. I have never seen so many in my life! Well, the last one we hit did some damage. I didn't see it, but dallin insists it was a 40 pound beast of a rabbit at 4 feet tall or something. Anyway, it broke the grill and the bumper, and punched a hole through the radiator and all the antifreeze immediately drained. The car started overheating, and luckily we were just a mile out of Craig, CO, so we stopped. We went to 3 hotels before someone had an open room (stupid hunters) and attempted to sleep on a mattress that felt like a brick wall. In the morning we went to 3 different mechanics (including a radiator specialist) who all said they didn't have the part that we need and the soonest they could get it would be 2 weeks. Not wanting to spend 2 weeks in Podunk-ville, our options were to get a tow truck or a rental car. Both options were in the thousands, so we did what all kids do when all else fails. Called dad. My dad said to get a one way Uhaul so that we don't have to return it and tow it back ourselves. We checked into it and although it was a lot of money, still cheaper than any other option. So that's what we did. We basically spent 2 days straight driving. When we got here we took it back to the dealership and we're waiting for it to be fixed. Luckily, there was a huge dude there because we literally had to lift up the front of the car just to get it off of the trailer.
But, while we were going through that ordeal, at least the kids were on cloud 9. Just as I'm about to scream, my mom sends me this text. Lol so at least someone got a vacation out of that 2 days. I was just hoping we wouldn't be charged for our "spa day" that I had booked and we couldn't show up for! Luckily they took pity on us and didn't charge us.
We ended up spending a lot of money on nothing that was fun, and made it an hour away and had to drive all the way back. This was our 3rd time trying to go to Colorado, and I'm officially giving up. I no longer have any desire to see Grand Lake, Colorado. lol The universe has decided for me that I'm not going, and I'm not going to challenge that ruling anymore.
From a different perspective
As awful as it was, it could have been worse. A lot of the time that we were driving we weren't close to towns, so it's lucky that this happened so close to a town. Both of our phones were dead at the time, so if things were destitute we wouldn't have gotten help. Plus, we could have hit a deer and totaled the car completely. Neither of us got hurt at all, and we were able to get a Uhaul and get the car back just fine. When most of the hotels were completely sold out, we were able to find one with a room, and in the middle of the night. Since it was just the 2 of us and we didn't bring the dogs or have any kids we were able to do the uhaul option, but there were more people with us we would've been stuck with the more expensive option of driving a rental car there and back. Anyway, we both know that it could've been worse, and Dallin has a theory that maybe the universe isn't punishing us for bad karma or anything like that, maybe it was keeping us from something worse that could've happened had we got there. Just to be safe, we paid for an old man's lunch anonymously at a restaurant and both felt better about our karma. Who knows, but we've chosen to look at this like an adventure rather than a complete bust.
Harry Potter Marathon
We spent the ride home reading the first harry potter book, and when we finally got home we watched the movies while we worked on the table (and I worked on my nails.)
It's funny how much it's ingrained in us to love it, because we grew up with the story being popular it's sort of like a flash back to your childhood.
A new plant!
We went and got the kids from my mom's and there was a little old asian lady selling bonsai trees on the side of the road. I don't know why, but Dallin got soooooo excited when he saw that. (It could be because we just watched Chuck, and on that show John Casey has bonsai trees and he's a spy. Ergo- bonsai trees are cool.)
So we got a little bonsai tree and I'm excited about growing it! This time I swear it will not die! Dallin says it's our "love fern" equivalent.
The kids recovery
My mom was babysitting one other dog named Copper, plus Bentley and the J-dogs. So there were 4 dogs running around having fun, (and apparently getting pampered). So that left them all worn out. We couldn't believe how much we missed them after being apart for 2 nights.
Wudy's One
Today is Rudy's first birthday, so we went to a little party for him. We had the best-ever cupcakes!
Rock-a-bye Josie
She is so patient to deal with me constantly bothering her lol I just thought it was funny
Culinary Dallin
We got a bunch of fresh ingredients at the store this time instead of frozen stuff. I thought it would be cheaper, but it turns out it's just the same whether you get fresh or frozen. Anyway he immediately got to work! He made this awesome pepper-avocado dip and dinner which was asparagus and hollandaise sauce with citrus salmon. So good!
What a cutie
Because I have a hard time separating real life from fictional shows, we often talk about the shows we're watching and what we would do if it were us. Neil had to run and Mozzie didn't because of a crime that Neil did, but Mozzie said, "wherever you run, I run." So dallin said I'm his Mozzie because of that lol we are fluent in the language of movie and tv show quoting.
Our Date
Our date ended up being much different than expected because of the car, but R&R came over and we painted/carved pumpkins and had pizza. It was fun, but Randy got sick near the end and it had to come to a close. (Dallin's pumpkin is mickey mouse if you can't tell)
Trenden found his happy place
He called me from the Mall of America saying, "I'm in a Packers store full of anything you could imagine. What do you want?" lol needless to say, he spent about 3 hours in there sending me pictures and calling. On the right...a cheese sombraro. On the left, dog collars. lol We are gearing up for the game we're going to in Phoenix this christmas!