Helllooooooo There!
It has been forever since I've written and the pics have been stacking up! I'm finally getting it done!
We just realized today that the summer is flying by so fast and it's almost over. That's good for dallin cuz that means his summer classes are almost over, but bad because the cold makes me irrationally unpleasant. We're definitely living it up while it lasts though. So far, we've accomplished most the goals we had for the summer. Only things left that we wanted to do was hike to timp cave, float provo river, go to the kelly clarkson concert, and go to slide the city. Woo hoo!
Bringin' Home the Bacon
This is my new official work desk. I've moved 3 times now, but this is my permanent spot. I've found a lot of stuff on pinterest on decorating your workspace, and I definitely want to because it's a little bland. (And I want to get a cute mousepad. I think I'm the only one at my office who uses a mouse still because they all use the track pads. Call me old fashioned, but those are annoying.)
Nothing but the best for our kids...
This is Jake's favorite toy. I put his food in a water bottle and screw on the lid, and he loves holding the lid with his mouth and spinning it open with his paws. Then he kicks it around eating the food. lol it's hilarious to watch. We clearly buy them top of the line toys. (Even when we have in the past, they like this and card board and peanut butter containers more.)Pool Day Wit ma Main Man!!!
We had the pool all to ourselves! It was amazing and relaxing. I sported my USA bikini to celebrate July 4. (Only bad part was, we both got majorly burnt.)
New Hair Doo.
I went darker. Still wanted the highlights, but added more low lights. I like it a lot!
Dallin said he likes this better than what I had before, and of course I had to make him feel bad about saying that at first ;) He knows that it's always a trick question when I ask him if he likes something about my looks lol poor guy puts up with my shenanigans so well.
Dallin said he likes this better than what I had before, and of course I had to make him feel bad about saying that at first ;) He knows that it's always a trick question when I ask him if he likes something about my looks lol poor guy puts up with my shenanigans so well.
Our Fourth of July Festivities
On the 1st, we went to see the Utah Symphony at the Thanksgiving Point Gardens. It was sooooo fun! We love going to both, so having them combined was perfect. We brought our own pizza (tried a new place, too! Loved Pizza Studio!) and sat on a blanket in front of the huge waterfall. We walked around the gardens before it started, and it was beautiful. (Look at all of those fish in the pond!) The symphony did a jazz performance with two vocalists with an Independence day theme. The dude sand a song from Les Miserables and it was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard in person. The gardens even had wild rabbits, geese, and swans just walking around. I've never seen that before. (This was Jake and Josie on the 3rd of July.)
All of it was supurb except one thing. The dang bugs!! They ran out of bug spray at the booth where they were selling it becuase it was so bad. We covered ourselves with the blanket as much as we could, but as you can see my legs got eaten up! They even bit my face! There was no safety from them anywhere!
We're Equestrians!
This was our adventure during the day on the 4th. WE WENT HORSEBACK RIDING! But not only horse back riding, we did all sorts of games and tricks with them too. We're kindof experts. I think our instructor was impressed :)
It was a different experience, and we both really loved it! They are such kind, intuitive animals. It made us want to get horses someday. I had to do a fish-tail braid because for some reason I associate those with rodeo queens. lol
And Guess What!?!? We even both stood up on the horses like freaking equestrian vaulters! There's a pic of me and video of Dal. Crazy. I can't believe we did that.
The Evening of Independence.
We barbecued with Dallin's bro Brian and it was really good. (When I say "we" I mean Dal and Brian made it and I ate it with them lol) They made corn and steak on the grill and mashed potatoes. Soo good. Every other year we've always gone somewhere to watch fire works, so this year to be different we bought our own. Kevin came over and watched with us. It was crazy how big they were! We got some big ones. Then, we just decided on a whim to go to a movie at the new theater in Lindon. It was amazing because we saw Terminator in Imax 3D in RECLINERS! They even had heated seats. I got Josie a shirt in the baby section at Walmart lol and of course my nails were decked out. We had huge sparklers too and it was fun to share with the little kids on the street. They were so excited. Poor Jakey was having a panic attack because of the fireworks, and all night he hid under the bed shaking and crying. All in all, it was an excellent holiday.
Pinterest Inspired.
I tried the 4 braid updo again, and this time it turned out much better. Trying out things I see on pinterest is one of those little pleasures in life that isn't a big deal but still adds up. (Even when it turns out an epic failure.)
We're Outdoorsy Folk
We braved the elements. Yes, believe it or not, we went camping! It was such a blast. We went to Utah lake and got a camp spot right by the lake. Then we went to the Lindon Marina and got a canoe and paddled around with the kids. We even got out and watched them swim around. It was so funny because it was really hard for Josie but Jake was just swimming around happily. He loooooves the water. Josie's weight problem inhibited her ability a little bit lol
We made a fire, had smores and hot dogs, and talked and relaxed. It was perfect, and sooooo becautiful. We're so lucky to live in a place where all of this is just minutes from our house.
The only trouble was the sleeping situation. We got really good sleeping pads, but the truth is, sleeping on the ground sucks. Jake and I didn't really sleep at all, but Dallin and Josie slept fine! We splurged for the kids' dinner and got them a wet meal from Beneful. They were in hog heaven.All Good Things Must Come to an End
Well, it's all over. Our run with the Office and Gilmore girls was fun, but we finally finished the last episodes. Not gonna lie, we took it pretty hard. It was happy and sad; and emotional roller coaster. It's safe to say those shows changed our lives lol they will now go on the list with Friends and Prison Break and remind us of good times. If you're making fun of me in your head, that's fine. I was sort of making fun of myself in my own head too as I mourned the loss of completely fictitious characters, but what can you do.
Oops He Did it Again
We spent some time in the Emergency Care for Dallin's shoulder. He couldn't raise his arm above his shoulder and he strained it a few times right in a row, so it was killing him. We went and got x-rays and turns out, he separated his AC joint. (I of course had to make a few comments about him having an air conditioner or alternating current in his body because I'm super mature like that.) They gave him a sling and some pain pills and basically said it has to heal itself and you're not supposed to use it at all. (If you know dallin, you know how well that's going to go...lol) Poor guy.
We also both got sick around the same time too. Dallin was throwing up and had to stay home from work, and I luckily didn't get as bad, but I definitely felt gross. But luckily it passed fast and we're both fine now.
Nail Addiction
I think I spend more time than most normal people doing my nails. I just find it relaxing and I'm actually really good at it. And it's sooooooo cheap in comparison to going to the salon for it. I find the artistry of it really cool. I could see myself going to nail school one day.
The Reps Got Quite the Incentive...
Clearlink did a "Merica" themed week for the fourth of july and did a whole bunch of things including a tug of war contest, hot dog eating contest, a real eagle visit, and an inflatable obstacle course. One of the incentives was that all the managers would have to dress up in slutty cut-offs and tank tops and wash the reps' cars in a seductive fashion. Probably the funniest thing I've seen in my entire life. Lol go boys! Work it!
(Dallin acting sexy with a sling on his arm lol classic.) They even took official photos for a calendar. No Joke.
I'm going to get chubby from going to Chubby's
This place is sooooo freaking good. It rocked our world, and was not even expensive at all. We really like trying new restaurants.
Last Wednesday
We went and had dinner with my Mom and Step Dad at Cafe Rio in Draper and that was a good meal and a good time. Watching my mom spend 4 hours on a salad and convincing her that hurricane Zoey is coming to Salt Lake is always entertaining.
Walks = true doggie happiness
Jake and Josie love going to their special place on walks. There's a huge field that Jake always does laps around while Josie tries to keep up with him a little pond they dabble in. It's pretty chill.
Josie even likes my special butt-pad I got for mother's day. Make fun all you want, but that wondergel is marvelous.
This isn't the best angle for her. And that dress is un-flattering. But don't we all have a picture or two just like that? And I love my little chubby princess :)
Last night we painted the town
Have you ever been to Masa in Lindon? If not, go. It's all fresh, hand made everything, and all ingredients from local farmers markets. And it's freakishly tastey. Disregard my awkward face, that's me trying to sneak a pic of the live entertainment by taking a selfie. That dude was good, and all the staff was so friendly. We loved the small restaurant feel and we'll definitely go back.
When we got home we had some couch potato time. After going through all 5 stages of grief, (denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance) we felt ready to move on to a new show. We chose Chuck, and that ended up being a great decision. There's comedy, suspense, romance, and CIA agents fighting terrorists with big explosions. Perfect combination.
My quest for relaxation
I've been trying to relax more, so I brought a candle to work and took the most magical bath.
Our relationship is almost a kindergartener
That's right, it's almost been 5 years! And it's almost 1 year since we got married. It went by so fast! We were talking about something and at first said it was 2 years ago, and then we realized that it was 4 years ago and it hit us how long it's really been! So weird. On our honeymoon we decided that no matter what on our anniversary every year we'd get away. So we're going to Colorado, and it's coming up quick! We're stoked.
Husband Points.
10 points for Griffindor! (If he were Harry potter) Dallin cleaned the bathroom today!
So that's the last 3 weeks of our life in a nutshell. Next time I am not waiting this long so it doesn't take me forever to write.