Okay, I know that May is almost over, but I had to get this gem in here somehow didn't I?
Also, when I started writing this it wasn't that far into may, but I wrote the whole thing and then accidentally deleted EVERYTHING so I got discouraged and gave up for a few weeks. So this one is going to be extra long!
We Have Grass!
We finally have grass and the kids love it. Dallin did it and it's growing in really well and it's really long and green. (Thanks to all the rain we've been getting and the sprinkler works really well.)
Date Night
So this was a while ago now, but we went to Kim & Rodney's and made lots of amazing food and played Jenga and talked. Spinach tortellini, home made creamed corn, and a shrimp and pasta dish. Everything was getting done at different times so it seemed like we were eating for like 2 hours straight! It was so fun.
Dallin's Back At It!
He went back to school this semester at UVU and he's taking 3 classes online right now. I think that some of the work is absolutely ridiculous but I think because he's doing it online they make it harder. Anyway I'm proud of him for all the work he's doing and that he's decided to get his degree.
I stopped writing for my other company and I've been writing for Kim a little bit. I know her really well on a friendship level, but I'm just now getting to know how amazing she is in her field because we don't usually talk about it. People, I'm not kidding you, if you want ballroom lessons go to her! She's a real pro, and a 1st place winner of sooooo many comps. And if you're getting married soon, I'd recommend at least having one lesson from her on how to dance to your song without looking like an idiot while everyone's staring. (We did- worth it.)
Here's her website: www.kimberlycampa.com
Happy Mother's Day!
Yes, I think that dog moms count on mother's day. My philosophy is if you have to take care of another living thing, clean poop, and love it more than anything, it counts. So I took a pic with the kids :)

Our Mothers
We wouldn't be the people we are today without these 3 women and we love them all. I'm so grateful for each of them for all different reasons. They've all done so much for me and I feel so lucky to have 3 moms in my corner. They're pretty cool & I like em. ;)

Aaron is 5!!
We celebrated Aaron's birthday and he's actually 5 now! I remember when Dallin and I first started dating he was an infant and Aubrey and Jon were living in Provo! crazy how time flies.
Snow Cones with the Fam
We went with the Graff's to get snow cones a while back and it was so nice to get a random invite like that and be able to go since we were finally so close. We're all close for like 2 weeks and now every one's moving away :( lol perfect timing. Anyway I don't really like shaved ice but Dallin loves it & it was fun.
Just me being creepy....
I know this is so weird, but I wanted to see what it would've looked like if Dallin and I were friends as little kids. hahaha so I hope Twenen isn't mad that I photoshopped over his face....
Magic Mike! (Or Tim. Or Chad. Or whatever his name was....)
We got to go to a free magic show because of a mortgage company, and it was mind-blowing! He turned a 1 dollar bill into a 100 and then it somehow ended up inside a lemon that he cut open. (there was more in between there but it's hard to explain.) Anyway it was amazing, and Kevin came with, and we won an outback steakhouse gift card in a drawing!
Graduation Grub with Graffs
Whew! Look at me go with that alliteration! Anyway, the Graffs took us to dinner for my graduation, and I thought that both the food and the company was superb. Thank you Dave, Sara, & Ben!!
Date The Next Week
The week after Kevin took us out! We went to see Mad Max in D Box seats. I am not a fan of being jostled to the point of hurling, but Dallin loved it. As for the movie, the only word that comes to mind is... weird. Since it never really explained anything, all I got was, war, crazy guy with a huge head, lots of amputees, desert, abnormal cars, random guy playing an electric guitar, and a group of old female bikers. Wouldn't recommend it. Unless you're a dude. This is a typical dude movie.
Got my Graduation Photos Back
After getting over my indignation on the exorbitant pricing and the fact that this company completely monopolized graduations, I gave in and bought some pictures so I could have a memory of the event.
Let Me Tell You A Story.
Once a upon a time we cleaned out the rest of our stuff from my mom's house. I threw out a box,(the environmentally friendly gasp!) along with all the old food that was left in the fridge. Later, I panicked, thinking that I had left something in the box that I threw out. So, I manned-up and did what I had to do. Yes, I had to dumpster dive. After preparing myself fully (as you can see by the tongs, gloves and mask in the picture) I was able to free the box from its vile surroundings only to find that.......... NOTHING was in the box. Apparently this was how I needed to learn my lesson on the importance of recycling.
(My mom said I looked like I was delivering a baby.... and with the horrific image of barbecue tongs....I'm never having kids. Thanks mom.)
The Graff's Last Big Shebang!
I'm so sad that Aubrey and Jon are moving to Hawaii, and Dave, Sara and Selena are moving to the east coast. But the good thing is we've still got Matthew and Shanna and Brian and Michelle close. With everyone moving away, and selling their house, they did one last family party there. We all talked about our memories in that house, and I'm glad that we were able to all be close for as long as we were. Who knows, we might even be moving too this year.

Brian's a good uncle. He pushed Josie after her rotund self couldn't walk any further lol
Yeah Girl!
Kim and Rachael came over and we made dinner, watched the dancing with the stars finally, the bachelorette, and painted chairs. It was great. My mom walked by the table and noticed that I was painting it a couple weeks ago and said, "Oh you need to get a stripper." So I followed my mom's sound advice and got a stripper for the finish lol and of course we had to take a picture with our stripper for the evening.
Last weekend
On Saturday we went out like classy folks to dinner and the symphony! It was simply sublime. If you haven't been to Carver's right off the 104th exit in Sandy, you need to go! We were both shocked by how tender the meat was and the fact that we both actually like mushrooms! Dallin had steak with crab on top and it was amazing. And I ate my weight in home made bread. Yum.
This is the grandeur of the Utah Symphony at Abravanel Hall! This was our second time going, and we both liked the composer this time better than last. What those musicians are able to do is straight-up cray! lolThe music was beautiful, and the venue itself is just as awe-inspiring. (hahaha can you tell I tried to whiten my teeth in that pic on the left? It looks ridiculous, but oh well. )
Sara gave us some baby clothes that she got in a garage sale and they all look so cute on Josie! I'm going to need to do a little altering, but for the most part they fit her!
We said our "goodbye"s Yesterday
Happy Memorial Day! We had a barbecue at Matthew & Shanna's. (and I'm so surprised Shanna hasn't had her baby yet! He'll be here any day, and because of a weird dream I had where they named him Monday, he is forever labeled "Monday" in my head.) We had to say goodbye to Aubrey, Jon, Aaron, Declan, and Lincoln and that was really sad. Lincoln and Declan probably won't even know who we are when/if they come back!
(I look gigantic in this picture for some reason.... we'll blame it on the hill. lol)
Ladies and Gentlemen, hold on to your hats...
Make sure you're sitting when you read the following statement.
I AM ACTUALLY COOKING NOW! I know. Crazy. This was our menu from last week.
I finally started to feel really bad about having 500% of the healthy daily value of sodium in my diet so I'm taking baby steps. The problem is that I don't typically enjoy it. When the girls were over it wasn't bad; I think I like cooking for bigger groups of people but not when it's just us. But I made steak for the first time ever this week! Not going to lie, it was awful. But I did it!!
That's it for me. Hang in there Tuesday. Friday will be here soon.